5551 Luckett Road
Fort Myers, FL 33905
Activities Calendar
Do you want to know what's happening at Cypress Woods RV Resort? Scroll down to the bottom to see the color legend for the types of activities. Crafts, cards, games, parties, exercise - it's all here at Cypress Woods! Discover your kind of fun by maneuvering through the months, weeks and days to get an idea of what there is to offer. Use the filters to create your own personal calendar. How? Here's a few tips:
Use the Select Category to filter what you're interested in. Check one or more than one category. Then click Go.
Click on a particular activity or event for a description and contact information. Click on the contact's email to ask a question.
Once you have the view you like, go ahead - print it - and hang it on your refrigerator.
Use the Select Location to filter what's happening in a particular location. Check one or more than one location. Then click Go.
Do you want to reserve a room? Click the Room Request button in the upper left-hand corner. Send an email with your contact info, date, time and description of the activity or event you want to organize. In turn, you'll get a confirmation. Contact the activities department at 239.694.2724 for information about activities and events. Or click here to send an email.